Instructions for All Symposia Presenters:

Please refer carefully to these instructions as you prepare for your upcoming presentation.
Submit here

Abstract submission will open soon


1) If you or any of your participating authors are unable to present during your assigned symposium session listed above, please notify the GNC at by no later than May 31, 2024.

2) If you or any of your participating authors are unable to personally present in this symposium, you may designate another author or individual to present in your stead. Please notify the GNC of presenter changes by no later than June 10, 2024 in order for the change to appear in the final program schedule.

3) If your symposium has arranged for a specific DISCUSSANT that was not indicated in your symposium proposal, please email your discussant’s name to the GNC Program Manager. Discussant names are needed by June 10, 2024 in order to be included in the final program schedule.

GNC Symposia Guidelines:

Please note carefully the time allocation for your symposium session, as these vary across the program. It is the discretion of the symposium chair and organizer the division of the available time amongst the individual abstracts, the discussant (if applicable), and the audience discussion. Please ensure that your session strictly adheres to its allotted time limit so that subsequent sessions may begin on time.

All symposium speakers must check-in to the Speaker Ready Room, located in Congress Centre, at least 24 hours prior to your assigned session to upload your presentation to a central system. If your session is on Day 1, please note Registration and Speaker Ready room will be open on July 2, from 4pm-6pm. Please note that it will not be possible to i) upload slides directly to computers in the lecture rooms or ii) to use personal computers.

Registration Reminder:

Important: ALL presenting authors must register for the meeting.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: All registrations must be completed before registration closes on June 30th, 2024. After the cut-off, only on-site registration will be available. All on-site registrations are subject to a 75€ surcharge.

CHECK-IN AT THE MEETING: Upon your arrival at the meeting, visit the GNC Registration Desk (at the entrance of the Congress Centre) during registration hours to pick up your badge and registration materials.