Symposia/Panel Submission Guidelines

The following guidelines are provided to assist you to submit your abstract.

Submission of Symposia Abstracts

Symposia abstracts should include:

a) names of organizer and discussant

b) an overview abstract providing theaims and content of the symposium

c) individual abstracts for 3-4presentations.

Instructions for symposium abstracts

Symposia submissions should consist of:

  • Symposium title - make title brief, informative and indicating the nature ofthe proposal/research area. Maximum 20 words.
  • Organizer name, email address, affiliations
  • Discussant name, email address and affiliations
  • Email addresses for each author
  • Symposia Abstract (up to 500 words): providing an overview of the aims and content of the symposium.
  • Keywords (up to 5)

Individual abstracts:

  • Name, address and affiliations per author
  • Abstract title. Maximum 20 words.
  • Structured abstract (up to 500 words) with the following: i) Objectives; ii) Methods; iii) Results and iv) Conclusions.

Panels/Round tables

Abstracts for these formatsshould consist of i) names, address and affiliations of organizer andmoderator, ii) Names, address and affiliations of panel/roundtableparticipants, and iii) an abstract (up to 500 words) providing an overview ofthe aims and content of the session.